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We are on a mission to provide women-led startups with access to capital, business networks, and opportunities to become dominant market players.

Join us on our mission and in our commitment to these women-led, high-growth startups by donating to Astia today. The generosity of our donors supports women entrepreneurs around the globe.

"Astia's mission is an important one - after all this time, the statistics still do not favor the funding women entrepreneurs. I want to be a part of changing that and I hope that you will join me in supporting Astia so that together we can expand and diversify the image of what is a successful entrepreneur - in the media and in the minds of investors." Barbara Tallent, Co-Founder LiveBinders

"Supporting Astia ensures that I make a direct impact to the high-growth entrepreneurial landscape, enabling women-led startups to access the essential opportunities for growth. Astia is committed to changing the current landscape and I stand behind that commitment" John China, SVB Financial Group

Astia is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 organization and therefore your support may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution.

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