A Little FellowDirected by Davide FioreBefore banks had a branch on every corner, they were an exclusive service for the wealthy. Forthe poor, working, and immigrant class, saving money was as unreliable as stashing it under amattress. But at the turn of the 20 th century, A.P. Giannini revolutionized the industry with hissmall bank in San Francisco.As a first-generation Italian-American, his goal was to serve “the little fellow” and breedprosperity within his immigrant community. By building trust and giving loans on a simplehandshake, he created one of the largest banks in the country – Bank of America."A Little Fellow" tells the story of a man who struck fear into the heart of Wall Street all the wayfrom his beloved California. Known as “America’s banker,” A.P. Giannini gave a friendly face toan anonymous industry. As one of the first investors in Hollywood, the Golden Gate Bridge, andHewlett-Packard, his forward-thinking helped the country through two World Wars and theGreat Depression. In a time when banks are seen as impersonal monoliths, this documentarypresents us with a new model of hope from America’s past. Select a donation amount:$25$50$100$250$500 Other Amount $ Please select an amount greater than $0.50. One Time Monthly Quarterly Yearly Donor Information First Name: Please enter your first name. Last Name: Please enter your last name. Email: Please enter your email address. Country: Address: Please enter your address. City: Please enter your city. State: Please enter your state/region. Zip: Please enter your zip or postal code. Leave a personal note: Donate 100% - cover card processing fees so that 100% of the donation goes to the organization. Donate Less - let the organization cover transaction fees. Total: $0.00 Please complete the CAPTCHA. If you don't see the challenge form after checking the box, please scroll up. Once you've completed the CAPTCHA, please click the payment button again to continue your payment. Pay by Card or Wallet Pay by Bank Transfer