Support Nevada Ballet TheatreThank you for visiting our secure donation page. Your contribution has a direct impact on our work to enrich the community through professional ballet performances and premier dance education programs. Nevada Ballet Theatre is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization as determined by the IRS, making donations tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Select a donation amount:$10$50$100$300$500$1000 Other Amount $ Please select an amount greater than $0.50. One Time Monthly Quarterly Yearly Donor Information First Name: Please enter your first name. Last Name: Please enter your last name. Email: Please enter your email address. Country: Address: Please enter your address. City: Please enter your city. State: Please enter your state/region. Zip: Please enter your zip or postal code. Phone: Please contact me about a multi year pledge. Gift Memo Total: $0.00 Please complete the CAPTCHA. If you don't see the challenge form after checking the box, please scroll up. Once you've completed the CAPTCHA, please click the payment button again to continue your payment. Pay by Card or Wallet