Sample email or letter to your school.
Send an email or letter to encourage your local school to offer or expand compassion education. Copy the below text, then you can personalize your message.
Dear [Teacher or Administrator or PTA Member],
When I think about the skills I want my child to be learning, I couldn’t think of anything more important these days than compassion.
Programs that teach compassion have been shown to improve students’ mental health, social skills, and academic achievement. Moreover, the benefits don’t end when students leave the program, but continue to grow for years to come, according to a 2017 study.
Up to 18 years later, students exposed to these core SEL skills in school continue to outpace their peers on a number of indicators, including education, employment, criminal activity, substance use, and mental health (see full study).
Will you help bring compassion education to our school?
Tens of thousands of schools have made commitments to add SEL programming to the school day. We can do it too and without costing our school any additional funds. We just need to make this a priority, and take advantage of FREE resources offered by the Compassion Project:
The Compassion Project is the first comprehensive, no-cost program designed to help educators facilitate lessons around fundamental Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. The curriculum was developed by education technology leader EVERFI and includes resources for elementary school teachers, including:
- Engaging Videos – Short videos can be streamed daily, weekly, or as needed to introduce students to key concepts and themes.
- Lesson Plans – Classroom-ready lessons provide educators with standards-aligned guides to integrate effortlessly into instruction.
- Digital Lessons – Self-paced or whole-classroom digital activities help educators extend concepts like empathy, emotional awareness, and mindfulness in a novel and engaging way.
Make SEL a Priority
Whether we are expanding our existing SEL offering, or starting a
brand new program, we should participate in the growing movement to
add compassion education to the school day.
You can learn more at or email The Compassion Project at
[A parent / community member]