Support the Next Generation of Policy Influencers

Please take a moment to consider supporting the Postsecondary National Policy Institute’s (PNPI) student programming, including our Summer Scholars Program.

PNPI’s Summer Scholars Program gives talented students with demonstrated financial need an opportunity to gain valuable work experience in federal higher education policy by offering them a paid internship experience. During their time with us, scholars engage in research, attend policy events, prepare resources for policymakers, and network with policy professionals across the city. 

Our goals for the Summer Scholars Program are three-fold: provide scholars with opportunities to build their content knowledge as it relates to federal higher education policy, build scholars’ professional networks, and inspire our scholars to someday return to Washington for a career in federal policymaking. Your contributions help us reach these goals. Donations also fund student scholarships for our biannual community boot camps.

Contributions of any amount are welcome and all donations are tax-deductible. 

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Please select an amount greater than $0.50.

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You can learn more about our Summer Scholars Program below. Thank you for your support of PNPI!