Donate Now


  • $ 60 (or $5/mo).....................1 complimentary ticket
  • $120 (or $10/mo) ..................2 complimentary tickets
  • $240 (or $20/mo)................. 4 complimentary tickets
  • Gold --$600 (or $50/mo) .....8 complimentary tickets
  • Diamond --$1200 .................6 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Platinum --$1800 ..................8 complimentary VIP tickets
  • Sustainer --$2400 ................10 complimentary VIP tickets


For Business Sponsors, your company will highlighted, you will be introduced, and you may use your VIP tickets on the night of the performance you sponsor. In addition, your logo will be featured on rotating slide shows at all music performances sponsored by The Seasons for the next 365 days, as well as on our website. Hall and Artist sponsor levels will also be featured in impact advertisements in print ads before the concert. VIP Tables are a special perk for employees and clients. They typically come with table service for wine & food and great up close and personal experience of the musicians — and always fantastic music!

  • $600 -- Half Sponsor............. 4 complimentary VIP tickets
  • $1200 --Hall Sponsor ........... 6 complimentary VIP tickets
  • $1800 – Artist Sponsor ..........8 complimentary VIP tickets
  • $2400 – Prime Sponsor .........10 complimentary VIP tickets
Please select an amount.

Donor Information

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