
Donate to Fines and Fees Justice Center

Your tax-deductible donation will help us end the vicious cycle of debt, punishment and poverty caused by unjust fines and predatory fees. 

We need you with us to continue to fight for an equitable justice system — please donate today. 

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Donor Information

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Pay by Card or Wallet

Donate by Mail

If you would like to donate to FFJC via regular mail, please make your check or money order payable to "Fines and Fees Justice Center, Inc." and send it to:

Fines and Fees Justice Center
P. 0. Box 24609
New York, NY 10087-4609

Donate by Wire Transfer or Stock Contributions

If you would like to donate to FFJC via wire transfer or with stocks or bonds, please see Contact below for assistance.

Matching Gifts

Double the impact of your donation by designating Fines and Fees Justice Center as your choice for a matching gift from your company. Please be sure to check that FFJC meets your company's matching gifts guidelines, or see Contact below for assistance.


For more information or assistance with your contribution, please contact Amy Dixon at
